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Permalink: 01/02/2011


1 <!DOCTYPE html>2 <html lang="en">3 <head>4  <meta charset="UTF-8">5  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">6  <title>Flowtest Execution</title>7  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">8 </head>9 <body class="bg-gray-100">10  <div class="container mx-auto p-4">11  <h1 class="text-2xl font-bold mb-4">Flowtest Execution</h1>12  <div class="mb-4">13  <label for="environment-select" class="block text-gray-700">Select Environment:</label>14  <select id="environment-select" class="mt-1 block w-full p-2 border border-gray-300 rounded">15  <option value="Local">Local</option>16  <option value="Staging">Staging</option>17  <!-- Add more environments as needed -->18  </select>19  </div>20  <div id="execution-log" class="space-y-4">21  <!-- Logs of requests execution will be appended here -->22  </div>23  <button id="start-execution" class="bg-green-500 text-white px-4 py-2 rounded mt-4">Start Execution</button>24  </div>25 26  <script srdddc="execution.js">27  28  document.getElementById('start-execution').addEventListener('click', startExecution);29  30  const environments = {31  Local: {32  origin: 'http://localhost:8080',33  user_id: '12345',34  app_id: 'abcd1234'35  },36  Staging: {37  origin: '',38  user_id: '67890',39  app_id: 'wxyz5678'40  }41  };42  43  async function startExecution() {44  const logContainer = document.getElementById('execution-log');45  logContainer.innerHTML = ''; // Clear previous logs46  47  const selectedEnvironment = document.getElementById('environment-select').value;48  const variables = environments[selectedEnvironment];49  50  const steps = [51  {52  type: 'request',53  method: 'GET',54  url: '{{ origin }}/users/{{ user_id }}?format=json',55  headers: {56  'Application-ID': '{{ app_id }}'57  },58  body: null,59  asserts: [60  { path: 'response.body.counter', operator: 'is_not', value: 0 }61  ]62  },63  // Add more steps here...64  ];65  66  for (const step of steps) {67  let logEntry = document.createElement('div');68  logEntry.classList.add('log-entry');69  logEntry.innerHTML = `<p><strong>${step.method}</strong> ${replaceVariables(step.url, variables)}</p>`;70  logContainer.appendChild(logEntry);71  72  try {73  const response = await executeStep(step, variables);74  logEntry.classList.add('success');75  logEntry.innerHTML += `<p>Response: ${JSON.stringify(response)}</p>`;76  77  if (step.asserts) {78  for (const assert of step.asserts) {79  const result = evaluateAssert(response, assert);80  if (!result.passed) {81  throw new Error(`Assert failed: ${result.message}`);82  }83  }84  }85  } catch (error) {86  logEntry.classList.add('error');87  logEntry.innerHTML += `<p>Error: ${error.message}</p>`;88  break; // Stop execution on error89  }90  }91  }92  93  async function executeStep(step, variables) {94  const url = replaceVariables(step.url, variables);95  const headers = Object.keys(step.headers).reduce((acc, key) => {96  acc[key] = replaceVariables(step.headers[key], variables);97  return acc;98  }, {});99  const body = step.body ? JSON.stringify(replaceVariables(JSON.stringify(step.body), variables)) : null;100  101  const options = {102  method: step.method,103  headers: headers,104  body: body105  };106  107  const response = await fetch(url, options);108  109  if (!response.ok) {110  throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);111  }112  113  const data = await response.json();114  // Update variables based on response if necessary115  return { status: response.status, headers: response.headers, body: data };116  }117  118  function replaceVariables(template, variables) {119  return template.replace(/{{s*([^}]+)s*}}/g, (match, p1) => variables[p1.trim()] || match);120  }121  122  function evaluateAssert(response, assert) {123  const value = getValueFromPath(response, assert.path);124  let passed = false;125  let message = '';126  127  switch (assert.operator) {128  case 'is_not':129  passed = value !== assert.value;130  message = `${assert.path} should not be ${assert.value}, but was ${value}`;131  break;132  // Add more operators as needed133  default:134  message = `Unknown operator ${assert.operator}`;135  }136  137  return { passed, message };138  }139  140  function getValueFromPath(obj, path) {141  return path.split('.').reduce((acc, part) => acc && acc[part], obj);142  }143  144  </script>145 </body>146 </html>147 
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