Nuestro conocimiento compartido. Nuestro tesoro compartido. Wikipedia.
Permalink: 01/02/2011


1 /* Scroll Bar Master Styling Starts Here */2 /* All comments can be freely removed from the css */3 4 #mycustomscroll-flexcroll-vscroller {5 height: 200px;6 width: 30px;7 background-color: pink;8 position: relative;9 margin: 0.2em;10 /* Enable following line if you want to keep the scrollbase visible at all times11 visibility: visible !important; 12 */13 }14 15 #mycustomscroll-flexcroll-hscroller {16 width: 200px;17 height: 30px;18 background-color: pink;19 position: relative;20 margin: 0.2em;21 /* Enable following line if you want to keep the scrollbase visible at all times22 visibility: visible !important; 23 */24 }25 26 #mycustomscroll-flexcroll-vscroller .flexcroll-scrollbar {27 height: 200px;28 width: 30px; /* This initial size is later set by fleXcroll, unless forced by user */29 background-color: red;30 position: absolute; /* position needs to be absolute */31 }32 33 #mycustomscroll-flexcroll-hscroller .flexcroll-scrollbar {34 height: 30px; /* This initial size is later set by fleXcroll, unless forced by user */35 width: 200px; 36 background-color: red;37 position: absolute; /* position needs to be absolute */38 }39 40 .scrollgeneric {line-height: 1px;font-size: 1px;position: absolute;top: 0; left: 0;}41 42 .vscrollerbase {43 width: 15px;44 background: #D7EBDF url(basebarcaps_verticalbarbody.png) 0px 0px repeat-y;45 }46 .vscrollerbar {47 width: 15px;48 background: #99CBCB url(basebarcaps_verticalbarbody.png) -15px 0px repeat-y;49 }50 .hscrollerbase {51 height: 15px;52 background: #D7EBDF url(horizontalbarbody_cornerjog.png) 0px -15px repeat-x;53 }54 .hscrollerbar {55 height: 15px;56 background: #99CBCB url(horizontalbarbody_cornerjog.png) 0px -30px repeat-x;57 }58 .vscrollerbar, .hscrollerbar {59 padding: 10px;60 z-index: 2;61 }62 .vscrollerbarbeg {63 background: url(basebarcaps_verticalbarbody.png) -45px -30px no-repeat;64 width: 15px;65 height: 15px !important;66 }67 .vscrollerbarend {68 background: url(basebarcaps_verticalbarbody.png) -45px 0px no-repeat;69 width: 15px;70 height: 15px;71 }72 .hscrollerbarbeg {73 background: url(basebarcaps_verticalbarbody.png) -60px -15px no-repeat;74 height: 15px;75 width: 15px !important;76 }77 .hscrollerbarend {78 background: url(basebarcaps_verticalbarbody.png) -30px -15px no-repeat;79 height: 15px;80 width: 15px;81 }82 .scrollerjogbox {83 width: 15px;84 height: 15px;85 top: auto; left: auto;86 bottom: 0px; right: 0px;87 background: #4E727C url(horizontalbarbody_cornerjog.png) 0px 0px;88 }89 .vscrollerbasebeg {90 background: url(basebarcaps_verticalbarbody.png) -30px -30px no-repeat;91 width: 15px;92 height: 15px !important;93 }94 .vscrollerbaseend {95 background: url(basebarcaps_verticalbarbody.png) -60px -30px no-repeat;96 height: 15px;97 width: 15px;98 }99 100 .hscrollerbase {101 top: 0 !important;102 width: 240px !important;103 left: 40px;104 }105 106 .hscrollerbasebeg {107 background: url(basebarcaps_verticalbarbody.png) -60px 0px no-repeat;108 height: 15px;109 width: 15px !important;110 }111 .hscrollerbaseend {112 height: 15px;113 width: 15px;114 background: url(basebarcaps_verticalbarbody.png) -30px 0px no-repeat;115 }116 .scrollerjogbox:hover {117 background: #5E828C url(basebarcaps_verticalbarbody.png) -45px -15px;118 }119 /* Scroll Bar Master Styling Ends Here */120 121 122 body {123  background-color: #989898;124  margin: 0;125  padding: 0; padding-top: 1em;126  font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Trebuchet, Verdana, Sans-Serif;127  font-size: 13px;128 }129 130 h1, h2 {131  font-variant: small-caps;132  text-align: center;133  font-size: 180%;134  width: 96%;135  margin-left: auto;136  margin-right: auto;137 }138 139 h2 {140  font-size: 160%;141 }142 143 144 #content {145  background-color: #AAAAAA;146  padding: 3em;147  margin:0.2em 2em;148 }149 150 .copyrightnotice {151  font-size: 70%;152  font-weight: bold;153  text-align: center;154  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;155  text-indent: 0;156 }157 158 /*Page related styles for you to view*/159 #mycustomscroll {160 /* Typical fixed height and fixed width example */161 width: 300px;162 height: 250px;163 overflow: auto;164 /* IE overflow fix, position must be relative or absolute*/165 position: relative;166 background-color: #E7EADE;167 margin: 0.3em auto;168 padding: 15px;169 }170 171 .lipsum {172 /* a wide div is used for creating horizontal scrollbars for demonstration purposes */173 width: 550px;174 height: auto;175 position: relative;176 color: black;177 padding: 1px;178 }179 180 /* general page style ends here */

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