Wikipedia para siempre
Permalink: 24/01/2012


Diff oline es una herramienta que permite obtener diferencias entre dos fragmentos de código. Está basado en la implementación de Paul Butler (

Por el momento está disponible la versión 1, que detecta y colorea el código nuevo y el antiguo a nivel de línea.

Versión 1 (source)


Copio literalmente el fragmento de la licencia.
Paul's Simple Diff Algorithm v 0.1 (C) Paul Butler 2007 <> May be used and distributed under the zlib/libpng license. This code is intended for learning purposes; it was written with short code taking priority over performance. It could be used in a practical application, but there are a few ways it could be optimized. Given two arrays, the function diff will return an array of the changes. I won't describe the format of the array, but it will be obvious if you use print_r() on the result of a diff on some test data. htmlDiff is a wrapper for the diff command, it takes two strings and returns the differences in HTML. The tags used are <ins> and <del>, which can easily be styled with CSS.